Bubur Ayam Apjay - Wijaya

For Bubur Lovers!! Bubur Ayam Apjay Wijaya!! Recommended!
(PAGI a.m ONLY)(Depan Seafood Restaurant Pondok Nelayan)

maaf foto masih amatiran..-red

Kenapa recommended?

Mostly because of the taste and everything is nice here..

Buburnya encer (ga terlalu encer seperti bubur monas) but nice..tersaji masih dalam keadaan panas karena kompor always on and nyala.

Cakwe dan isinya lumayan banyak..pake kuah bumbu..

Sambalnya lumayan pedas

Second visit this morning - all the way from Cinere to Wijaya - the result is a bit dissapointing coz the quality is not as nice as the first visit last week. The Bubur is not as hot as last week.

Quality Control Issue here!!


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