The quartet from Oklahoma known for their successful hits such as "Swing, Swing" and more recently "Gives You Hell" will be performing in Jakarta just days after their appearance at MTV World Stage in Malaysia. Fans in Indonesia and around the region are able to witness the band live next month as part of their I Wanna Rock Tour, you don't ever want to miss out on this gig! Concert details as follows:

Date: 17th August 2009 (Monday)
Venue: Istora Senayan, Jakarta, Indonesia
Class 1 - Rp.800,000 (presale Rp.640,000)
VIP - Rp.650,000 (presale Rp.520,000)
Festival - Rp.300,000 (presale Rp.240,000)
Tribune - Rp. 250,000 (presale Rp.200,000)
Tickets: On sale soon via

Hotline: +62 22 7310077 / 7303766


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Template by - Abdul Munir - 2008