In the area of Thousand Island you can find a National Park which is named Thousand Island National Park which includes 44 islands in the Thousand Island area. The width of Thousand Island National Park is approximately 110ha. National park area has a high conservation value because of the type and diversity of the ecosystem there. One of conservation programs you can see at national parks is the conservation of turtle shell (eretmochelys imbricata), mangrove forest and Lamun Savannah at Pramuka Island. Meanwhile you can find the conservation of ornamental fish in Panggang Island.
Other conservation can be found in Rambut Island, an island that becomes the habitat for native birds of Thousand Island including Elang Bondol (Bondol Eagle). Bondol Eagle is the mascot of Jakarta City. Bokor Island becomes conservation area for the preservation of coral reefs, mollusks, and various types of exotic marine biota.


Khayangan Island, Onrust Island and Kelor Island and has many historic sites. In Khayangan Island you can find the remnant of a fort complete with cannon from the Duth colonial age. Onrust Island formerly was utilized as VOC shipyard. We can also find the remains of haji quarantine buildings there. While in Kelor Island you can see Martello fortress from Dutch colonial time which was utilized as a bastion for the Jakarta bay waters.In the area of Thousand Island you can find a National Park which is named Thousand Island National Park which includes 44 islands in the Thousand Island area. The width of Thousand Island National Park is approximately 110ha. National park area has a high conservation value because of the type and diversity of the ecosystem there. One of conservation programs you can see at national parks is the conservation of turtle shell (eretmochelys imbricata), mangrove forest and Lamun Savannah at Pramuka Island. Meanwhile you can find the conservation of ornamental fish in Panggang Island.


Pictures on Conservation and Historical Island

Mangrove Conservation

Turtle Shell

Other conservation can be found in Rambut Island, an island that becomes the habitat for native birds of Thousand Island including Elang Bondol (Bondol Eagle). Bondol Eagle is the mascot of Jakarta City. Bokor Island becomes conservation area for the preservation of coral reefs, mollusks, and various types of exotic marine biota.

Khayangan Island, Onrust Island and Kelor Island and has many historic sites. In Khayangan Island you can find the remnant of a fort complete with cannon from the Duth colonial age. Onrust Island formerly was utilized as VOC shipyard. We can also find the remains of haji quarantine buildings there. While in Kelor Island you can see Martello fortress from Dutch colonial time which was utilized as a bastion for the Jakarta bay waters.


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Template by - Abdul Munir - 2008