How to Communicate in Jakarta?


English Indonesia

How do you do? --> Apa Kabar?
Good morning --> Selamat Pagi
Good afternoon --> Selamat Siang
Good Evening --> Selamat Malam
Goodbye --> Selamat Tinggal
Fine --> Baik
Thank you --> Terima Kasih
Welcome --> Selamat Datang
Youre Welcome --> Kembalii..

Calling a waiter or someone for assistance
Excuse Me.. You can use the same as in English or
You can call Mbak.. (for female) or Mas... (for male)


English Indonesia
I --> Saya
You --> Kamu or Anda
We --> Kami
He / She --> Dia
They --> Mereka
Mr. / Miss / Mrs. --> Bapak / Nona / Nyonya


English Indonesia
Can you help me? --> Boleh Bantu Saya
How do I get there? --> Bagaimana cara kesana? or Gimana caranya (slank sentence-red)
How far? --> Berapa Jauh?
How long will it take? --> Berapa Lama?
How much (price)? --> Berapa harganya? or just say Berapa?
What is this/that? --> Apa ini / itu?
What is your name? --> Siapa Nama Kamu?
When? --> Kapan?
Where? --> Dimana?
Why? --> Mengapa?



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Template by - Abdul Munir - 2008